Wednesday, April 24, 2019

16 Tenses Bentuk Pasif - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Hello !

Saya Hana Nurbaiti Hasanah (13115012) dari kelas 4KA09. 
Pada kesempatan ini saya dapat tugas softskill mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2. Kata yang saya dapatkan adalah 'MANAGE' jadi kata kerja yang dipakai dibawah ini semua menggunakan 'MANAGE'. Saya harap tulisan ini dapat membantu teman-teman untuk belajar 16 Tenses dalam bahasa Inggris. Enjoy! ^^

----- PRESENT -----
Present Tense 
(+) The project document is managed by administration division
(-) The project document is not managed by administration division
(?) Is the project document managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it is
(Answer -) No, it is not

Present Continuous
(+) The project document is being managed by administration division
(-) The project document is not being managed by administration division
(?) Is the project document being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it is
(Answer -) No, it is not

Present Perfect
(+) The project document has been managed by administration division
(-) The project document has not been managed by administration division
(?) Has the project document been managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it has
(Answer -) No, it has not

Perfect Continuous
(+) The project document has been being managed by administration division
(-) The project document has not been being managed by administration division
(?) Has the project document been being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it has
(Answer -) No, it has not

----- PAST -----
Past Tense
(+) The project document was managed by administration division
(-) The project document was not managed by administration division
(?) Was the project document managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it was
(Answer -) No, it was not

Past Continuous
(+) The project document was being managed by administration division
(-) The project document was not being managed by administration division
(?) Was the project document being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it was
(Answer -) No, it was not

Past Perfect
(+) The project document had been managed by administration division
(-) The project document had not been managed by administration division
(?) Had the project document been managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it had
(Answer -) No, it had not

Past Perfect Continuous
(+) The project document had been being managed by administration division
(-) The project document had not been being managed by administration division
(?) Had the project document been being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it had
(Answer -) No, it had not

----- FUTURE -----
Simple Future
(+) The project document will be managed by administration division
(-) The project document will not be managed by administration division
(?) Will the project document be managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it will
(Answer -) No, it will not

Future Continuous
(+) The project document will be being managed by administration division
(-) The project document will not be being managed by administration division
(?) Will the project document be being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it will
(Answer -) No, it will not

Future Perfect
(+) The project document will have been managed by administration division
(-) The project document will not have been managed by administration division
(?) Will the project document have been managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it will
(Answer -) No, it will not

Future Perfect Continuous
(+) The project document will have been being managed by administration division
(-) The project document will not have been being managed by administration division
(?) Will the project document have been being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it will
(Answer -) No, it will not

----- PAST FUTURE -----
Past Future
(+) The project document would be managed by administration division
(-) The project document would not be managed by administration division
(?) Would the project document be managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it would
(Answer -) No, it would not

Past Future Continuous
(+) The project document would be being managed by administration division
(-) The project document would not be being managed by administration division
(?) Would the project document be being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it would
(Answer -) No, it would not

Past Future Perfect
(+) The project document would have been managed by administration division
(-) The project document would not have been managed by administration division
(?) Would the project document have been managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it would
(Answer -) No, it would not

Past Future Perfect Continuous
(+) The project document would have been being managed by administration division
(-) The project document would not have been being managed by administration division
(?) Would the project document have been being managed by administration division?
(Answer +) Yes, it would
(Answer -) No, it would not

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